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Getting Started ​

Overview ​

This is a preset of UnoCSS for creating beautiful animations with simple classnames.

It adapts the tailwindcss-animate TailwindCSS plugin to be compatible with UnoCSS but more flexible and user-friendly.

Installation ​

npm install -D unocss-preset-animations
yarn add -D unocss-preset-animations
pnpm add -D unocss-preset-animations
bun add -D unocss-preset-animations


This preset requires unocss version of v0.56.0+


This preset is based on @unocss/preset-wind or @unocss/preset-uno, please make sure they are included in the presets, otherwise it won't work as expected.

Usage ​

In your UnoCSS config, add this preset to the presets option:

import { defineConfig, presetUno } from 'unocss' // v0.56.0 and above required
import { presetAnimations } from 'unocss-preset-animations'
import type { Theme } from '@unocss/preset-uno'

export default defineConfig<Theme>({
  presets: [
    presetUno(), // This must be defined before this preset


Note that either presetUno or presetWind must be defined before this preset.

Options ​

All properties are optional.

unit ​

  • Type: 'ms' | 's'
  • Default: 'ms'

The unit of time options (duration and delay).

delay ​

  • Type: number

Default delay time for animations.

direction ​

  • Type: 'normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate' | 'alternate-reverse'

Default direction of animations.

duration ​

  • Type: number
  • Default: theme.duration.DEFAULT (150ms if unchanged)

Default duration time for animations.

fillMode ​

  • Type: 'none' | 'forwards' | 'backwards' | 'both'

Default fill mode for animations. both is generally useful.

iterationCount ​

  • Type: number | 'infinite'

Default iteration count for animations.

playState ​

  • Type: 'running' | 'paused'

Default play state for animations.

timingFunction ​

  • Type: 'linear' | 'ease' | 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-in-out' | string

Default timing function for animations.

Released under the MIT License.